Enter a Moon Spa

for your Intuition:

An immersive journey through Cancer season to reconnect with the sacred wisdom of your intuition and deepest knowing.

Moon Oracle is a gentle, nurturing journey that guides you back to yourself during the magical time of Cancer season. As the sun moves into the watery depths of this zodiac sign, we are called to turn inward, connect with our emotions, and trust our intuitive wisdom.

Through a carefully curated tapestry of teachings, rituals, and self-discovery prompts, Moon Oracle encourages you to reconnect with your inner oracle: that soft yet powerful voice within.

By attuning to and nurturing the whispers of your own moon sign, you'll unlock a unique gateway to your wisest, most sacred self. You will learn to trust the delicate dance of your innate knowing as you tune into your unique intuitive experiences and rediscover the profound wisdom that has always resided within you.

This is a Moon Spa for your intuition, providing a sacred space for you to release stress, reconnect with your divine feminine essence, and emerge with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose.

In today's electric, fast-paced world, it's too easy to lose touch with your inner wisdom and become caught up in the noise and demands of daily life. Did you know that our minds are bombarded with 74GB of data every day? That’s more data than someone 500 years ago would process in their entire lifetime.

You may find yourself:

·       Outwardly successful, yet tired of constantly pushing and doing, yearning to slow down and just be, but unsure how to make that shift without fear of your world crumbling.

·       Feeling a rustling of inner agitation. That deep instinctual call of, 'this doesn't feel right’.

·       Living from the outside in, giving your power and attention away to others rather than living from the inside and stoking the fires of your own inner guidance system.

·       Making decisions based on external expectations and societal norms, rather than your own authentic desires and inner truth.

·       Comparing your journey to others, doubting your unique gifts and questioning whether you're on the right path.

·       Stuck in patterns of perfectionism, procrastination, and self-sabotage, holding yourself back from fully expressing your creative vision.

·       Disconnected from the vibrant spark of creativity that once set your soul on fire, wondering if you'll ever reconnect with your inner muse and reignite that inspirational well within.

·       Feeling deeply alone and separated from your inner self, your body, and the world.

·       So full of the images, worlds, and words of everyone’s lives that you scroll through day in and day out that you feel dissociated from your own, ungrounded, and unaligned.

If any of these challenges resonate with you, know that you're not alone. But it doesn’t have to stay this way; there is a way to transform these challenges into opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and empowerment.

It’s for these exact reasons I take women on the Moon Oracle journey, a sacred yet rebellious reclamation of power designed to help you reconnect with your intuitive wisdom, embrace your divine feminine power, and create a life that aligns with your deepest desires.

Moon Oracle is your gateway to a life of deep inner connection, intuitive wisdom, and sacred alignment with your authentic self. Whether you feel disconnected from your intuition, are stuck in patterns that no longer serve you, or yearn for a more profound sense of purpose and self-belonging. This Moon Spa is designed to guide you back to your innate power and wisdom.

Through the Moon Oracle journey, you'll:

·       Rediscover and strengthen your natural intuitive abilities, learning to trust and follow your inner guidance with clarity and confidence

·       Learn to disconnect from the outside world, shut out the noise and constant barrage of information, and learn to respect your own body and energy

·       Cultivate a profound sense of self-love, self-acceptance, and self-trust as you reconnect with your divine feminine essence and innate worth

·       Release limiting beliefs, heal past wounds, and break free from patterns that have held you back, allowing you to step into your fullest potential and create a life that truly aligns with your soul's desires

·       Reconnect with your natural inner flow and align your life with the seasons that ebb and flow, just like the moon

·       Understand the coding of your unique intuitive nature and her subtle messaging, armed with a practical set of tools and daily rituals to choose from, and amplify your natural abilities

·       Feel clear, calm, aligned, and resonant within your own energy field and aware of how to clear and clean your energetic field and space

·       Have an inner world that feels lush, satiated, and pampered

·       Find a supportive community of like-minded individuals who celebrate your unique intuitive gifts and journey, fostering a deep sense of belonging and connection

When was the last time you intentionally set aside time to replenish your inner world? The difference that one month in this Moon Spa can make is immeasurable. Anchoring into your inner guidance system will serve you forever. When you consciously plug back into your own circuitry and start paying attention to and showing up for your own subtle messaging (aka our intuition)? Well, your reality changes.

There is more inner calm, ease, and clarity. More of your own potent and very natural magic lights up, or should I say, you begin to perceive more of it. Because it is there all of the time.



‘‘Such beautifully articulated ways to use each cycle of the moon… Also the expertise provided into my own moon placement in my natal chart… how best to tune in and use them to get the most out of it was sensational!’’

— Fiona

‘‘Moon Oracle was a really beautiful experience. It was a wonderful introduction to the language of Astrology and, of course, the moon cycles - I began to see, understand and trust in these patterns in my life. I loved the focus on building your intuitive self (I still practice the exercises) and learning about the history, psychology, mythology and astronomy behind these ideas...’’

— Serena

Here's all of the magic that’s on the Moon Spa Menu:

🌙 Two live calls with Jules: The first will be held in the AM and the second in the PM (AEST) to accommodate all the time zones. We will dive deep into all things intuition and all the tools and tricks that have aided me and my clients. In our second call, we’ll explore some very practical and tangible magic.

🌙 A transformative hypnotic track: A guided hypnosis audio recording to use throughout this lunar cycle and beyond, which works to connect you to and deepen your relationship with your intuitive self, working directly with your fertile subconscious. This is so good I regularly get told by Moon Oracle alumni that they are still listening to this hypnosis a year afterwards.

🌙 Moon manifestation magic: Discover how you can work with the ebb and flow of the moon phases to maximise your personal growth and manifestation potential.

🌙 Your personal moon placement: Receive guidance on how to nourish and strengthen your unique moon magic, specific to your moon sign and house, throughout our lunar journey together.

🌙 Weekly workbooks: Explore thought-provoking prompts and exercises designed to help you integrate the teachings and insights gained during the journey.

🌙 Psychic diary: Use this beautifully designed psychic diary to note and track all the intuitive downloads and synchronicities you receive so that you can see the magic in your innate intuition.

 🌙 A group chat channel: A Telegram channel with a weekly note from me and a space for you to share your intel as it arises. This is a place to share your personal oracle insights and connect to other beauties on this path.

🌙 Access to all the recordings: Full access to all the recordings and some extra bonus lessons in the Moon Oracle portal. You have access to all of this for a year and can dip into this work as many times as desired throughout that year.


MOON ORACLE is a curated journey in receptivity. It’s one whole astrological season where you get to intentionally replenish and pamper your inner worlds. A place where you make conscious space to re-attune to who you are, to be in resonance with your own messaging rather than with other people’s programming.

You will emerge from this group understanding precisely what your moon sign and house placement means and how to deeply nourish this aspect of yourself, now and forever more.

This isn’t a course that you must take to become intuitive. You already are. This is a space – a Moon Spa in the aethers, so to speak – that you can come to and replenish your own supply, reconnect, and intentionally build your connection to your intuition: your inner guidance.



‘‘I LOVED this course, I would love to be a part of something like this for many moon cycles. It was a beautiful container to stay connected to the current energies and learn from Jules wisdom, and I also really enjoyed the simple practices and reminders about staying connected to my intuition. The witchy stuff was my absolute fave.’’— SANDRA

‘‘I got so much out of this course! Your talks Jules and especially the story-telling and real life experiences you shared helped me to connect some scattered dots in my own life. I also very much appreciated the personal recording. I was facing quite a significant decision while doing Moon Oracle and the tools, wisdom and personal experience shared really helped me to make that choice from a clear, easeful, and self-trusting place. I still Do Nothing every other day - what a simple magical practice’’— KATIE

 “Just listened to the final Q&A - just wanted to extend a huge thanks for all you put into those (and the whole course). It really rejuvenated me. Love your work”— SOPHIA

‘‘It was super engaging and chill…And the interactive exercises with telepathy etc and the take home exercises / rituals. I didn’t want it to end tbh!’’ - JESSICA

 Your Moon Oracle Guide – Hi!

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

       I’m Jules Ferrari, an intuitive astrologer trained in evolutionary and psychological astrology. I am someone who has lived through what feels like millions of iterations and transformations in my own relationship with my intuition.

Like many of you, I grew up learning to read the room and adapt to the emotions of those around me long before I learned to read myself. As a child, I focused on nurturing the external, and as an adult, a huge part of my journey has been learning to decode my own data and downloads and to tune into myself first.

My intuition has always been razor-sharp when it comes to others, but for so long, I ignored it when it came to my own guidance. And even though I could read others, it still took time to listen. It took years of practice, missteps, and blunders to get to where I am now.

Like the moon, our growth and our relationship with the many aspects of ourselves ebbs and flows; it’s not a straight line. All of my findings, both astrological and personal, are imbued in this course. One of my biggest desires and missions is to connect people to more of who they are and to aid them in feeling deep self-trust in their own intuitive guidance system.

In Moon Oracle, I hold space for you to become your own space holder. You already possess all the magic within; I'm simply here to guide you on a journey back to your own intuitive truth. Together, we'll create a sacred container for you to rediscover and trust your inner wisdom, to replenish and deepen your connection with your own rich inner worlds.


  • You may wonder if you're truly intuitive or if this journey is right for you. The truth is, we all possess innate intuitive abilities, but we each receive and express them in our own unique ways. During the Moon Oracle journey, you'll explore your specific intuitive strengths and learn to identify, nurture and trust them, opening yourself to receive guidance and wisdom in the ways that are most natural to you. You’ll notice that so much of your natural intel is actually SO natural that you may have thought it to be too obvious to be intuition. For too long, there has been this idea of intuition being a magical gift that only few possess and that it requires learning something outside of yourself. It’s just not true. Intuition is sensing how you are attuned to receive the subtle data of your own being.

  • Then you are in the perfect place. You will learn about your own specific Moon placement and will spend time becoming really conscious of how you best nurture your own Moon. Everything will be laid out in the simplest language with so many practical examples from my own life and from the many client examples that I have. You don’t need to be able to read the astrological language to be here, I will do that for you.

  • Every M(o)onday I will send out a voice note to the group, speaking into the themes of the week (also presented in the weekly workbooks) and everything else that feels like coming through on that day. There will be a space in the group to share your own intuitive hits and a space to ask any and all of your questions. I will be in there each Friday, Saturday and Sunday, answering those questions.

  • There is a space for all of your questions throughout our time together in both our telegram group and in our live calls together. I am at your service.

  • Absolutely, almost half of my clientele are international babes. This is why one masterclass is in the AM and one in the PM so that we can accommodate everyone. Everything is recorded and uploaded straight away. You will have access to all of the material for 12 months. The workbooks and the hypnosis are downloadable so are yours to use over and over again.

  • The beauty of doing this live with a group of people is being able to feel the momentum build and seeing and hearing the feedback of people in real time. This is an intentional space, an intentional time period for you to water your connection to your own inner world. If you can spare ten minutes a day (to do one of the main activities suggested in Moon Oracle) you will come out the other end completely replenished and deeply attuned to yourself. The workbooks and prompts are yours forever. However, I would recommend that you see this month as a time of being in deep devotion to your own magic. So much springs forth when we show ourselves how we practically show up for ourselves.