Saturn Return Journal: Erin Lovell Verinder

Erin Lovell Verinder is a plant conduit. A strong force, her work is generous, grounded and transformative. And also aesthetic. She has re-invigorated the herbal healing realms not only with her perspective but also with her love of beauty. A two-time author, Erin has just released her latest book, The Plant Clinic. When I moved back to Australia and started reading for people at Orchard St mid 2018, she was one of my first clients and was so incredibly welcoming and generous in sharing my work to her friends and clients and really helped me to get off the ground here.

She is a wonderful example of someone who is living within an abundant mindset and I have a lot of respect for the way she moves through the world. Here, Erin shares how she navigated her Saturn Return.

Where is Saturn in your natal chat?

My Saturn Return was in Libra in the 12th and 1st Houses.

What were some of the themes of your Saturn Return?

Collecting knowledge, self discovery, adopting so many dogs, getting married to the love of my life, pushing myself very hard, starting a new career, starting a new business, learning to be a grown up in a whole different way I had never known before, learning that my vision of life was really different than my family.

Any stories that you would like to share that illuminate these themes?

These years were my deep student years, and just about when my Saturn return hit I still had 3 years of full time study to go after having already completed 2 years full time. It was such a slog! It felt hard to push through, it felt hard to keep redefining myself as I was changing and growing so rapidly. There most definitely was this theme of a deep tunnel, I was in this deep tunnel for those 3 years for sure!

Having the beauty of hindsight, what was this initiatory period teaching you?

Rebirth! I look back and see how I was quite literally reimagining how I was going to walk in the world and who I wanted to be. It felt fairly brutal at times, and demanded so much perseverance. But I am so grateful for that time, and for all the limits I pushed within myself. I came out the other side in my power in a way I had not known before. I also feel like I have answered these in such a double Aries (the push and the power), Libran rising way (the balance and the harmoniser). LOLZ.

All images are by Georgia Blackie
You can find Erin’s two beautiful books here and if you aren’t already, I recommend you follow her Instagram over here. It’s gorgeous and bountiful.

If you are in your Saturn Return now and would like some guidance on moving through this rite of passage, I am holding a two week course filled with all the transmissions and tools you need to walk through this strong initiation feeling confident and empowered. You can head here for more details.


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