Saturn Return Jules Ferrari Saturn Return Jules Ferrari

Saturn Return Journal: Sophie Jongejan

Sophie is the charismatic and charming intuitive and aestheticist who runs the multi-faceted and beautiful platform, The Place. She is triple fire with a Sag Sun, illuminating new horizons and ways of seeing to all who follow her work. She is also incredibly generous in the way she shares her gifts and also in how she uplifts the work of those in her sphere. One of my favourite people. I am so looking forward to the day that I share some cocktails irl with this multidimensional babe.

I had the absolute pleasure to read her natal chart right at the tail end of her Saturn Return in Capricorn. Read her account of her Saturn initiation below.

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Saturn Return Jules Ferrari Saturn Return Jules Ferrari

Saturn Return Journal: Erin Lovell Verinder

Erin Lovell Verinder is a plant conduit. A strong force, her work is generous, grounded and transformative. And also aesthetic. She has re-invigorated the herbal healing realms not only with her perspective but also with her love of beauty. A two-time author, Erin has just released her latest book, The Plant Clinic. When I moved back to Australia and started reading for people at Orchard St mid 2018, she was one of my first clients and was so incredibly welcoming and generous in sharing my work to her friends and clients and really helped me to get off the ground here. She is a wonderful example of someone who is living within an abundant mindset and I have a lot of respect for the way she moves through the world. Here, Erin shares how she navigated her Saturn Return.

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Saturn Return Jules Ferrari Saturn Return Jules Ferrari

Saturn Return Journal: Grace Tebble

Grace is a kindred spirit. I had the pleasure of reading her chart at the beginning and towards the end of her Return and it was so awesome to see the way she navigated and grew through this experience and I resonate with her journey a lot.

Grace is a musician, an evolutionary astrologer, a kundalini babe and has a number of other modalities under her belt that she is alchemising together. I’m really looking forward to seeing how she blends them within her work. You can follow her on Instagram here. I’m a fan, she’s awesome.

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Saturn Return Jules Ferrari Saturn Return Jules Ferrari

Saturn Return Journal: Jordanna Levin

Jordanna Levin. This beautiful, witty, hilarious wordsmith is currently writing her third (!) book, she has three podcasts under her belt and a wonderful program called Self Actually. We are Gemini Sun and Virgo Moon sisters and I adore her. I look forward to the day when I share a meal and cocktails with this legend.

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Saturn Return Jules Ferrari Saturn Return Jules Ferrari

Saturn Return Journal: Sophia Somerville

Sophia Somerville is a brilliant writer, tarot diviner and the head witch at Southern Spells. I had the pleasure of reading her chart twice while she was in her Saturn Return and I have a lot of time and respect for this legend. Sophia embodies my favourite Sagittarian qualities; humour, a broad and independent mind, charisma and a knowledge bank that comes from digesting her own intel and grounding it into her own language. She is the tarot reader that I recommend to all of my friends

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Saturn Return Jules Ferrari Saturn Return Jules Ferrari

Saturn Return Journal: Moi

Welcome to a new series where I will be interviewing some of my favourite people and past clients on the pivotal learnings of their Saturn Return.

As you probably know, I am in the final stages of creating a really fab course for those of you in the throes of your Saturn Return. A big part of my drive to create this was because my own experience was such a humdinger. Important, very intense and yet, if I had had this resource available to me then, I know I could have collapsed a lot of time and lessened the ‘learnings’. I could have read between the lines and seen the lessons and utilised this transit rather than banging my head against a series of hard knocks and wondering ‘why me?’.

Here is my Saturn Return story.

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Saturn Return Jules Ferrari Saturn Return Jules Ferrari

First Impressions: Marina Abramović

Each of us has those moments where we touch the ephemeral or transport beyond the flesh and feel our ever present connection to the universe's main frame, often fleeting but entirely nourishing. There is something about the work of this great woman, in the total simplicity of her art, that cuts to the core of the human experience and the expanse beyond with laser precision. Her work reflects back to us so much about the collective shadow (particularly her early Rhythm pieces) and so much about the collective light and talks to us of this connection, usually with herself as the primary medium or conduit.

As such, its no great surprise that Marina is a Sagittarius or that she she has four planets in Scorpio and five in the fifth house. You can see her natal chart here. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and a lot of its archetypal journey is about building meaning for and belief in existence and it does this through experiential learning.

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First Impressions: Jack Kerouac

I am all about this human. I have been (like so many of us), since reading his books and having him contextualize all of the inner conflicts and inner yearnings present in a 20-something. He brought 'Heaven' down to Earth and arranged words and truths in a way that made people cognitively understand what we'd always felt; that there is something transcendent within us, within nature, within life and that contrary to how society works to shape us as individuals, the pursuit of freedom and self awareness is a worthy occupation.

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Saturn Return Jules Ferrari Saturn Return Jules Ferrari

First Impressions: John and Yoko

I need to preface this by saying that I could have written about ten times the length of this article and its been hard for me to keep this as a first impression as there is so much richness to be mined here. However, I've had to practice restraint and keep it within the parameters of a first impression, otherwise, I would still be writing this in a month's time. As such, I have had to limit the amount of contacts between their charts that I discuss here. I'll profile each of them individually in the coming months because a) I love both of them and b) their charts are both primo.

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First Impressions: Georgia O'Keeffe

Some charts click in to place immediately for me, as though the energy pattern is so laser-point precise that you get the whole download on first look. O'Keeffe's chart is one of them (you can view her chart here), the intent feels very clear.

What jumps out first is the deluge of Scorpionic energy - not only is Georgia's Sun, Moon and Ascendant all in Scorpio (making her a triple Scorpio and HARDCORE), she also has Jupiter and Mercury here. Coming in to the planet with this concentration of energy in a sign as intense as Scorpio is a brave move...she could have very easily crumbled under the lower expressions of Scorpio - chronic fear leading to control issues and utilising manipulation to ensure outcomes. The fact that she ever left her house and entered the world suggests she was brave - this could also have played out in extreme privacy or shutting herself off from life, Garbo style. While her final years seemed to swing more in to reclusiveness, her youth and middle years seemed to be played out very much as part of the world, in intense rapture with life itself.

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