Saturn Return Journal: Sophie Jongejan

Sophie is the charismatic and charming intuitive and aestheticist who runs the multi-faceted and beautiful platform, The Place. She is triple fire with a Sag Sun, illuminating new horizons and ways of seeing to all who follow her work. She is also incredibly generous in the way she shares her gifts and also in how she uplifts the work of those in her sphere. One of my favourite people. I am so looking forward to the day that I share some cocktails irl with this multidimensional babe.

I had the absolute pleasure to read her natal chart right at the tail end of her Saturn Return in Capricorn. Read her account of her Saturn initiation below.

Where is Saturn in your natal chat?

Capricorn in the 10th House.

What were some of the themes of your Saturn Return?

Woah, I want to say it touched all areas of my life including my identity. Work, mother/father relationship, money, the self & the spirit connexion. It definitely turned my life upside down and reshaped for the best my sense of self.

Any stories that you would like to share that illuminate these themes?

All my life I had very complicated relationships with women... in friendships but mostly at work. One way or another I attracted always very strong powerful & dominant women who manipulated me in very, very subtle ways. My first company went completely off road when I realised that I spent all my life running after other's dreams, other's projections & expectations. My whole body kept sending me messages days after days notifying me that I wasn't in the right direction. Until the point that my physical and mental body couldn't handle more. Even after all of that, I didn't listen. I kept on going because... no one was understanding what was going on. After all I kept on hearing "what are you complaining about Sophie ? Your life is amazing !" ...myeah.... The Universe used the final thing that I thought defined who I was : money - I truly hit rock bottom financially and I had no other choice but to just leave everything behind. This death helped me to come back to life and finally find my purpose. I had nothing left to lose but to be myself fully. And so I did...

Having the beauty of hindsight, what was this initiatory period teaching you?

That no one knows better than you. I've learned how to play with my intuition, expand my relationship with myself, love my weirdness & difference. I've learned how to say no, how to stop feeling guilty for doing what's best for me, how to trust the invisible and the universal laws. I've made peace with money. With my fears of being abandoned. And the healing is never over but at least, when I spiral some days now, I know where it's coming from & how to nurture myself.

I recommend Sophie’s intuitive readings and the wonderful containers that she creates. She brings so much fun to a zone that can easily become very serious. You can follow her Instagram over here and check out her beautiful offerings and shop over here. Her shop, like her work, is artfully curated.




Saturn Return Journal: Erin Lovell Verinder